Make Council information accessible, searchable, understandable and clear for all citizens.
Making Council information accessible for citizens is a high priority for Parlaeus. This is what our tool CitizenAccess is made for. Parlaeus contains a smart search engine and we are currently developing a Citizen App to warn citizens if a certain topic of their interest is dealt with.
But most importantly, we are working on adjustments in the system to keep accessibility of information for citizens into account in an early stage. We do this together with our clients. Here, we prove the strength of our integral solution. We start with the end in mind.
Citizens become more and more actively involved in the democracy, even in the entire Council process. However, this is only possible if inhabitants of municipalities have access to the desired information in time in an accessible, searchable and clear way.
The one who forgets about Citizen Access, forgets about common purpose.
Is this what your municipality
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