Supporting functions executed with social involvement
Supporting meetings, indexing speakers, correction of speech-to-text documents… may we introduce you to our VideoButlers? Some tasks need to be done, even though the registry does not have enough time. We offer the perfect solution for that in a socially involved way!
Parlaeus works on executing many tasks together with Imotions. This is an organisation working for people with distance to the labour market (who are often homebound). Imotions helps by, for example, offering support in case of video meetings. In consultation with Imotions and social services of our clients, we look for VideoButlers from municipalities to support them. And this is beneficial for all parties! The registry has less to worry about, inhabitants find a job and the costs will decrease.
Parlaeus enables education and support for VideoButlers, to ensure clients do not have to worry about that. Together with the registry and social services, we will look into ways to meet up and to have a tour in the town hall.
Council support: make it easier and more social!
Is this what your municipality
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